The Best Graco Stroller | Reviews & Comparisons

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Up until the mid-1950s, Graco had been a fabricated machine and car parts manufacturer. But once one of the business partners left the company, Graco headed in a new direction making baby swings.

Why Trust Us?

Because my full-time job is being mom to 2 precious daughters, and I know a thing or two about strollers. Besides personal experience, I get feedback from other moms who use these strollers every day and put all that research into our unbiased stroller buying guides

- Kyli

The Swyngomatic® was born and ever since then, Graco has set the standard for quality products. Such hits included Pack N’ Play® portable play yards and highchairs have received excellent consumer ratings. Graco also takes credit for the invention of the Graco Travel System, which allows parents to move a sleeping baby from car to stroller to house all without waking the little one.

Table of Contents

Current Best-Selling Graco Strollers

Bestseller No. 1
Graco Modes Pramette Stroller, Baby Stroller with True Pram Mode, Reversible Seat, One Hand Fold, Extra Storage, Child Tray, Redmond
  • Reversible stroller seat can face parent or the world, for just the right ride as baby grows
  • Toddler seat converts to an infant pramette, for comfortable strolls with baby
  • Stroller accepts all Graco infant car seats, for an easy transition from car to stroller and use from birth as a car seat carrier (infant car seat sold separately)
Bestseller No. 2
Graco® Outpace™ LX Stroller — All-Terrain 3-Wheel Baby Stroller, Cohen
  • 3-wheel design offers easy maneuverability
  • Durable, all-terrain, never-flat rubber tires provide nimble agility wherever your adventures may take you
  • ComfiTech in-seat suspension provides a smooth, comfortable ride for your little one
Bestseller No. 3
Graco FastAction Jogger LX Stroller, Redmond
  • Graco's signature FastAction one-second, one-hand fold provides the ultimate in convenience for parents on the go
  • Seat pad removes to create a lightweight infant car seat carrier
  • Accepts all Graco infant car seats with a secure one-step attachment to create your own travel system
Bestseller No. 4
Graco Ready2Grow LX 2.0 Double Stroller Features Bench Seat and Standing Platform Options, Clark, (Pack of 1)
  • Added body support cushion
  • Small-folding stroller rides like a double, but folds like a single stroller, making transport and storage easy
  • Includes two stroller seats, a bench seat, and a standing platform for multiple options as your family grows
Bestseller No. 5
Graco® FastAction™ Jogger LX Stroller, Drive
  • Graco's signature FastAction one-second, one-hand fold provides the ultimate in convenience for parents on the go
  • Seat pad removes to create a one-step-install infant car seat carrier; simply click the car seat directly into the frame; accepts all Graco Click Connect infant car seats (sold separately)
  • Child's tray features cup holder and a space to hold child's drinks and toys; Large storage basket holds supplies for your child, so you'll have everything you need while out and about

Today Graco is a part of Newell Rubbermaid™ company and Graco strollers have a reputation for durability and affordability, not to mention these strollers look fantastic. Graco offers a variety of models each with their own features.

They are continually updating their collection, such as a new modular, or convertible stroller that you’ve got to see. Graco strollers newest products include a higher-end jogger called the Relay, adding to their line of fitness three-wheelers. You will be impressed with the latest lightweight models like the Verb and an umbrella stroller that accommodates a car seat called the Breeze.

We’ll be going over each of the different types of strollers that Graco make in this article. Read on to find out more!

Convertible Stroller

One of the hottest trends in baby transport is the convertible stroller. This type of stroller has a removable, reversible seat that comes molded as one piece. Take it off completely when you wish to use your car seat on the stroller frame for an instant lightweight travel system. Later, face the toddler seat toward you and when your baby is ready to face the world, turn the seat around.


Graco Modes 3 Lite Travel System Stroller, Tatum
  • Mom can use this stroller in Travel System mode, or with the infant car seat or toddler seat directly on the frame. Both seats are reversible so baby can face mom or the world
  • Includes Graco's SnugRide SnugLock 30 Infant Car Seat, for rear-facing infants from 4-35 lbs. and up to 32"
  • Click Connect system provides a one-step, secure attachment of infant car seat to stroller

Graco’s full-sized, full-featured reversing seat stroller is the Modes. With a total of 10 seating options from birth up to 50 pounds, the versatility is what parents love, and for a great price.

When your baby is newborn, take the seat completely off and install any of the Graco Click Connect car seats. More often than not the Modes stroller comes as a complete travel system, as you will see.

Another option for your newborn is that the seat converts to a bassinet with a fully flat seat recline. A supportive pillow insert stabilizes your infant while riding.

Once your baby’s a bit older, the reversing seat gives you the option to face baby forward or toward you. The seat reclines in four positions and an adjustable footrest props your child’s legs up for napping comfort. The sun canopy gives adequate coverage and your child gets a snack tray with cup holder.

Parents, you enjoy a large basket beneath the seat, a smooth easy push and a parent console with deep cup holders and covered cubby. The brakes are two-step, one over each rear wheel, and while the fold is pretty easy, the seat has to be forward facing for it to work.

Consumer Reports rates the Graco Modes travel system with an great overall score with excellent marks for Maneuverability and Ease of Use and a good mark for Safety.

Modes Sport

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The Graco Modes Sport holds your child up to 50 pounds. Remove the seat and install a Graco Click Connect car seat right on the frame in one easy step for a lightweight, stylish travel system. When baby outgrows the car seat, he or she can sit facing you. Then once your baby is ready to explore, turn the seat forward facing.

The seat has a 4-position recline to a nearly flat position and the seat converts to a bassinet for infants. The padded safety harness converts from a 5-point to a 3-point lap buckle once your child is older.

It weighs 24 pounds, so it is not huge, but not considered lightweight, either. It holds your child up to 50 pounds, has an adjustable leg rest to support little legs. A snack tray with two cup holders and a sun canopy round out comforts for your child.

Parents have a roomy storage basket beneath the seat, easy maneuvering with the three wheels, and a parent tray with two deep cup holders. Enjoy a one-handed standing fold for added convenience.

Graco Modes Sport Click Connect stroller has gotten high praise from parents for these amazing features.

See this video demo for the travel system, or the stand-alone stroller.


Another type of stroller that has taken off in popularity in recent years is the all-terrain stroller – a jogging stroller with a front swivel wheel. This type is ideal for parents who like to get out and walk for miles and take their little ones along for a fun ride. Three Graco strollers fit the bill.

FastAction Fold Jogger

Graco FastAction Fold Jogger Travel System | Includes the FastAction Fold Jogging Stroller and SnugRide 35 Infant Car Seat, Gotham
  • Includes the Graco SnugRide 35 Infant Car Seat, rear facing for infants from 4 35 pound and up to 32"
  • One second, one hand fold provides the Ultimate in convenience for moms on the go
  • Air filled rubber tires offer suspension for a smooth ride on any terrain

What you see here is an incredibly popular, versatile, and functional jogging/all-terrain stroller. The FastAction Fold Jogger has all the convenience features of a traditional stroller with the rugged performance of a fitness 3-wheeler. With air-filled rubber tires, you feel as if you float over bumps and rough terrain, and your baby feels comforted by the smooth movement.

Read Review

This jogger accepts all Graco Click Connect car seats for ease taking your newborn from stroller to car.

The padded seat has multiple reclining positions and the 5-point safety harness converts to a 3-point lap belt for free movement when your baby gets older. The FastAction Fold Jogger holds up to 50 pounds.

So far parents are giving rave reviews, with high marks. The stroller is big and a little bulky at 30 pounds, so some have commented on that, but most really like the maneuverability. The handlebar height is comfortable for both tall and petite parents, and the large storage basket holds all your stuff. Parents like the canopy with the large mesh peek-a-boo window that allows for better airflow through the seating area. Read the Stroller Envy exclusive review to discover if the FastAction Fold Jogger is for you. This product is similar to the Baby Trend Expedition.


Graco Relay Click Connect Jogging Stroller, Tangerine
  • All the convenience accessories are included in this ultimate performance jogger, so there's nothing more to buy
  • Pneumatic tires and a locking front-swivel wheel with tracking are built to handle all of your jogs while staying active with baby
  • Jogging strollers premium suspension system offers high-grade performance for a smooth ride on any terrain

Entering into the world of high-performance joggers, Graco introduces the Relay. Unlike other high-performance joggers or all-terrain strollers, the Relay includes all the accessories we come to expect like a child’s cup holder/bumper bar, parent cup holders, and adequate storage.

But all those accessories don’t add up to a huge amount of bulk. The Relay weighs only 28 pounds, holds your child up to 50 pounds and can accommodate a total weight of 70 pounds. Pretty amazing, plus you will get a phenomenal workout pushing an extra 70 pounds.

The Relay is made with avid joggers in mind and it has high ratings for the premium suspension system, so important to smooth out the ride when you’re going fast. The quick, one-handed one-second fold is getting rave reviews as is the convenient Click Connect travel system option.

Discover more about the Graco Relay in my thorough review, complete with measurements, photos, and a video demo.

Lightweight Graco Strollers

All lightweight model Graco strollers share many of the great features that make them so popular with parents.

Some of these features include compact folding and storage, portability and a multi-position reclining seat. You may also find a few lightweight Graco strollers have adjustable height handles for parents; all of them look fantastic!


2014 Graco Breaze Click Connect Stroller, Pierce
  • Holds a children up to 50 pound for years of comfortable strolling
  • Deluxe padded seat with a multi-position, flat recline for a comfy ride
  • Extra-large canopy with a visor extension and peek-a-boo window plus UV 50+ protection

Graco finally has an umbrella stroller after a couple of years hiatus from this type of product. The Breaze is probably one of the only one-handed folding umbrella strollers around and has gotten very good reviews, confirming that parents are in love.

The Breaze has a cushy padded seat and holds your child up to 50 pounds. The seat has a recline, and lays all the way flat, which is basically unheard of with most umbrella strollers.

It also has an adjustable leg rest and can hold a Graco Click Connect car seat to become a lightweight travel system. A padded 5-point safety harness secures your child and as they become more independent, convert it into a 3-point lap belt. A large UF 50 sun canopy has a peek-a-boo window with flap cover. Flip out the huge sun visor for complete coverage and sun protection.

Moms, you get access to a big (for an umbrella stroller) basket. You can fit a medium to large size diaper bag. Wheels are hard plastic, that swivel and lock in place in front. Brakes are easy to engage. You also get a cup holder included!

See this informative video review of the Graco Breaze.


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Simple and elegant, the Graco Verb has all the features you want in a lightweight stroller – plus more!

I like the single front wheels, vs. the double front wheels, as you see in many lightweight or umbrella strollers. The overall look and design of the Verb are sleek and modern. It reminds me of the sleek lightweight stroller from BabyHome which is 3x more expensive!

The Verb holds your child up to 50 pounds, yet weighs less than 20 pounds. Install your Graco Click Connect car seat for a convenient travel system.

The seat is nicely padded and has multi-reclining positions for comfort and a decently sized canopy protects from the sun. Suspension and locking front swivel wheels smooth out the ride, especially over bumpier surfaces.

Mom gets a generous storage basket and parent tray with cup holders. The one-hand, self-standing fold, and the included carry strap are very convenient for on-the-go errands or travel.

So far reviews from parents like you have given this newer member of the Graco family high ratings for the easy fold and excellent maneuvering.

See this helpful demo video:

FastAction Fold

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So when Baby Jogger brand came out with their QuickFold technology, other companies got on that quick because it was revolutionary. Next, it was Britax with their B-Agile and now, look out! Graco strollers have joined the trend.

The FastAction Fold stroller folds in much the same way, with a handle in the crease of the seat that you pull up on, one-handed, and it instantly folds in half. There is nothing like it when you’re already holding your baby with your other arm.

Choose between the four-wheeler or the FastAction Fold Sport, the three-wheeler.

FastAction fold is a compact, lightweight stroller weighing only 22 pounds, yet it holds your child up to 50 pounds. It can also take any Graco car seat, turning it into a travel system for your newborn, and saving you some money when you buy the stroller and car seat as a set.

Parents appreciate thoughtful features such as a console with two deep cup holders, a generous storage basket and a pivoting or removable baby snack tray with cup holders. The sun canopy is nice and big and the multi-position reclining seat lies flat for your child’s comfort.

Parents recommend it for the adjustable drawstring seat recline that easily angles the seat just right. Others say how sturdy and well built it is, and that it is simple to put together.


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One handed folding, a convenient drop-down storage basket, and peek-a-boo sun canopy make this stroller a joy to use when you’re on the go with baby. It’s a great economical choice for families seeking a lightweight stroller with lots of features. The LiteRider has a two-position reclining seat and can accept a Graco infant car seat to become a travel system.

Think you’re going to have to spend a bundle on such a stroller? Nope, the LiteRider costs well under $100 (not including an infant car seat) making it a smart choice for families on a budget. But don’t worry, a cheap price does not mean cheap quality. This Graco is one of the best lightweight strollers in its class and customers who have bought this product rave about it in Graco LiteRider reviews.

A highly rated product with high marks, the Graco LiteRider is one of the best lightweight strollers you can buy. Learn more about this amazing stroller in the Graco LiteRider review.

SnugRider Elite

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The only car seat stroller frame made exclusively for Graco SnugRide car seats. The design has recently been streamlined and improved and customers love the way it looks. And at only 13.6 pounds, the SnugRider Elite is compact, lightweight and convenient. Just install your SnugRide or SnugRide 30 car seat (sold separately) with a secure one-step attachment and off you go.

Many parents like this type of setup when baby is brand new and they still need more time to decide on a more expensive stroller purchase.

This car seat stroller frame includes two parent cup holders and a generous storage basket as well as a compact fold, which makes for easy transport and storage.

The SnugRider Elite has received lots of reviews from parents just like you with an overall impressive 4½-star rating. The SnugRider Elite is a clear choice for a travel system stroller that is lightweight, good looking and extremely easy to use.

Stand and Ride Strollers

Recently in this line are a couple of “stand and ride” Graco strollers, where your older child stands and rides on a platform in the back with an optional bench to take a rest. Your younger baby has the front seat. This is more like a stroller-and-a-half, rather than a double, and if you’d like more information about this type of stroller, see my Sit and Stand guide. Graco’s got two!


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RoomFor2 may be a basic sit and stand stroller but it is packed with all the features a busy family with two children needs to get around. Both bench and seat accommodate up to 50 pounds each, allowing lots of room for growth. The seat takes any Graco car seat so that you can have a travel system for your newborn baby. The seat also has a multi-position recline, including flat, so baby can nap comfortably.

Your older child has a padded bench with a 3-point harness for safety when a rest is needed. Handles on either side of the frame provide a place to hang on to for your big kid when standing.

For parents, a one-handed fold is essential, and an auto-lock holds the frame together for quick storage. You get lots of storage space with a large basket beneath the seats and a console with cup holders at the handle. The seat has a child snack tray that pivots outward for easy ins and outs.

The RoomFor2 has been getting fantastic reviews so far, with the average rating being high praise. Customers rate this item on the large tires that makes it easy to steer and the compact fold. One mom stores it in her Ford Escape with room to spare. They like the ease at which a Graco car seat can be attached without any extra accessories needed. Overall, parents are very happy that this quality brand has come out with a sit and stand style stroller.


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While the RoomFor2 is the more basic stand and rides, the Ready2Grow has more options. The most obvious upgrade is that you can attach two Graco car seats which are ideal for twins (see more strollers for twins here). With the Ready2Grow, you have 12 seating options for children of any age. The front seat holds up to 50 pounds, as does the bench, and the second parent-facing rear seat can hold up to 40 pounds.

The bench and seat have the same features as the Room2Grow, but this model has two sun canopies that pivot to keep your children shaded. This stroller is easy to steer and maneuver with large wheels and a suspension system.

For parents, a one-handed fold is essential, and an auto-lock holds the frame together for quick storage. You get lots of storage space with a large basket beneath the seats and a console with cup holders at the handle. The seat has a child snack tray that pivots outward for easy ins and outs.

The Ready2Grow has been getting fantastic reviews so far, with very high ratings. Read our full review for more info!

Graco Double Strollers

Side-by-side or single file tandem, a Graco double stroller has features you require as a busy mom and the comforts your children need. Generous storage baskets and easy maneuverability with multi-position reclining seats are common features in all these double Graco strollers.


For those of you who prefer tandem, the DuoGlider is only 20 inches wide and fits easily through doors. It is a very popular choice as a tandem seat stroller and the second seat is elevated for both infants and toddlers and can take the car seat on either or both seats.

This is one of the best value for money tandem Graco strollers on the market. Parents prefer this full-featured duo/tandem stroller because it is more narrow than many tandems and can maneuver in tight spaces. However, this becomes more difficult as children become heavier. This stroller is also known for its durability and sturdiness, especially considering the price.

Parents give this stroller very good reviews. Find out what else this stroller can offer you and what parents like you say by reading the Graco DuoGlider stroller review.

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Amy Tanathorn

Amy is a mom and the creator of Stroller Envy. Though she's no longer an active part of the team, you'll still find some stroller reviews from her on our blog and YouTube channel