We Adore These 50 Italian Baby Girl Names Starting With A

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Hey there, future mama! Journey with us into the heart of Italy as we explore 50 mesmerizing Italian baby girl names starting with A. Picture your darling daughter owning one of these graceful names.

Notable People With Italian Baby Girl Names Starting With A

Imagine your little one sharing a name with the likes of Alessandra Ambrosio, the renowned supermodel, or Alice Campello, a famous model and fashion designer. Or perhaps, she’d share a name with Alessia Cara, a talented songwriter and singer. These names, starting with A, are not only beautiful but also belong to women who have left their mark on the world.

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
AlessandraAlessa, Sandra“Defender of mankind”
AllegraAllegria, Alegra“Joyful, cheerful”
AntoniaAntonietta, Toni“Priceless, praiseworthy”
AdrianaAdrianna, Riana“From the city Hadria”
AngelaAngelica, Angie“Angel, messenger”
AlmaAlmah, Almi“Kind, fostering, nourishing”
AnnabellaAnnabell, Bella“Beautiful grace”
AriannaAriana, Ari“Most holy”
AgneseAgnez, Ines“Pure, holy”
AuroraAurore, Aura“Dawn”
AmaraAmarra, Mara“Grace or bitter”
AssuntaAssuntina, Asun“Assumption”
AnitaAnit, Nita“Grace”
AriaAri, Aria“Melody, song”
AlessiaAlessi, Lesia“Defender”
AidaAuda, Ida“Reward, present”
AmabiliaAmabilia, Mabilia“Lovable”
AngelinaAngeline, Lina“Little angel”
AnnunciataAnnunziata, Nunzi“Announced”
AlfredaAlfre, Freda“Elf counsel”
AngelicaAngeli, Geli“Angel-like”
ApolloniaApolline, Pola“Strength”
AugustaAugustina, Tina“Majestic, grand”
AureliaAurelie, Lia“Golden”
AlbinaAlbine, Bina“White”
AntonellaAntonelle, Nella“Praiseworthy”
AbrianaAbrianna, Briana“Mother of many nations”
AlinaAlena, Lina“Bright, beautiful”
AgataAgatha, Gata“Good”
AmbraAmbr, Ambra“Amber”
AnnunziataAnnuncia, Nunzia“The announcer”
AnnettaAnetta, Netta“Grace”
AlbaAlbah, Bah“Dawn”
AmadeaAmadita, Dea“God’s beloved”
AsellaAselle, Sella“Little donkey”
AquilinaAquiline, Lina“Eagle”
ArmidaArmide, Mida“Little armed one”
ArseniaArsenie, Senia“Strong”
AttiliaAttilie, Lia“Father-like”
AvianaAviane, Viana“Bird”
AzeglioAzeglie, Zeglio“Hazel tree”
AlbanaAlbane, Bana“White, fair”
AntoniettaAntonie, Etta“Priceless one”
AniellaAnielle, Nella“Grace”
AnnuziataAnnuzie, Ziata“Annunciation”
AnastasiaAnastasie, Stasia“Resurrection”
AmataAmate, Mata“Beloved”
AstraAstre, Tra“Star”
AugustaAuguste, Usta“Exalted”

Thanks for taking a stroll with us through this list of 50 Italian Baby Girl Names Starting With A. We hope you’ve found some brilliant options for your little bella. Don’t forget to check out our other baby name lists for more inspiration. Choosing a name is a significant step, but remember, it’s all part of the incredible journey to motherhood. Enjoy every moment!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.