50 Greek Baby Boy Names Starting with B That Tell a Story

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Hey there, mom-to-be! Ready to embark on a wonderful journey through ’50 Greek Baby Boy Names Starting with B’? This list is brimming with names as unique and special as your little one will be. Let’s dive in!

Notable People With Greek Baby Boy Names Starting with B

Believe it or not, some household names got their start on lists like ours. Take baseball legend Barry Bonds, whose name, Barry, has Greek roots and means ‘fair-haired.’ Similarly, Benedict Cumberbatch, that star of stage and screen, carries a name with origins in Greek meaning ‘blessed’. Last but not least, meet Bob Costas, the beloved sports commentator, whose name, Bob, is Greek for ‘bright, fame.’

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
BelisariosBelisario, BelleroseConqueror
BasileiosBasil, VasiliosKingly
BionByon, BeonLife
BalthazarBalthasar, BalthassarGod protects the king
BryaxisBraxis, BryaxiSculptor
ByzasByzus, ByzhasFounder of Byzantium
BucoliBukoli, BucolyCow-herder
BacchiadesBacchiadis, BacchiadysDescendant of Bacchus
BiondelloBiondell, ByondelloFair-haired youth
BaliusBalius, BalyusDappled
BacchusBacchis, BacchosOf Dionysus
BrontesBronte, BrontiThunderer
BellerophonBellerofon, BellerephonSlayer of the Chimera
BiasBiass, ByasOne of the Seven Sages of Greece
ByssheByssh, BysshiBulrush
BacchidesBacchydes, BacchidysA character in Plautus’s play
BelvederBelvedere, BelviderBeautiful view
BucoliadesBucoliadis, BucoliadysSon of a cow-herder
BithyniusBithynius, BythyniusOf Bithynia
BoutadeBoutad, BoutaedeSudden outburst
BosporusBosporos, BosporysFord of the cow
ByblisByblys, ByblissDaughter of Miletus
BaryphonBaryphon, BaryphonnHeavy voice
BucephalusBucephalos, BucephalysOx-head
BasilidesBasilidis, BasilidysKing’s son
BoethiusBoethios, BoethyusHelp of God
BibaculusBibaculys, BibaculisDrunkard
BoreasBoreos, BoreysNorth Wind
BelusBelos, BelusKing of Egypt
BaucisBaucys, BaucissWife of Philemon
BathyllusBathyllus, BathyllisDeep
BiondinoBiondino, ByondinoFair-haired child
BellicentBellicent, BellicentFair, lovely
BusirisBusirys, BusirissA mythical king of Egypt
BrasidasBrasidys, BrasidisBrave
BellerBeller, BellerBeautiful
ByrgiusByrgius, ByrgisTower
BiondoBiondo, ByondoFair-haired
BoswellBoswell, BoswelleHouse near the well
BlandusBlandus, BlandisCharming
BemusBemus, BemysPlatform, stand
BarbuBarbu, BarbyBearded
BandinelliBandinelli, BandinellyLittle band
BenvenutoBenvenuto, BenvenutyWelcome
BusoniBusoni, BusonyLittle mouth
BarzillaiBarzillai, BarzillyIron-hearted
BradamanteBradamante, BradamantyEnemy of peace
BartolomeoBartolomeo, BartolomeuSon of Talmai (or furrow)
BattistaBattista, BattytaBaptist

A heartfelt thanks for journeying through our list of ’50 Greek Baby Boy Names Starting with B’. We hope it sparked some inspiration for your little one’s moniker. Remember, the joy is in the journey, not just the destination. Keep the adventure going and explore more of our curated baby name idea lists on our site. Happy naming!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.