10 English Baby Girl Names Starting with X for Your Little Miracle

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Hi there, expecting mama! Aren’t the little flutters and kicks the best part of this journey? Let’s add to that joy by finding the perfect name for your little girl. Our list of 10 English baby girl names starting with X is filled with unique and special choices for your soon-to-come bundle of joy.

Notable People With English Baby Girl Names Starting with X

Let’s look to some notable individuals who have adorned the rare ‘X’ start to their names. Xena, the warrior princess, played by Lucy Lawless, has inspired many with her strength and courage. Xenia Goodwin, the talented Australian dancer and actress known for her role in ‘Dance Academy’, is another proud bearer of an ‘X’ name.

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
XenaXenna, Zena“Guest, stranger”
XylaXylia“Woodland; wood dweller”
XeniaZhenya, Ksenia“Hospitable”
XandraZandra“Defending men”
XandriaZandria“Defending men”
XantheZanthe“Golden, yellow”
XaviaZavia“Splendid, bright”
XimenaJimena, Zimena“Hearkening”
XolaZola“Stay in peace”
XannonShannon“Wise river”

Thank you for exploring our curated list of 10 English baby girl names starting with X. We believe each baby name carries a special story – a story of love, joy, and boundless hopes. Let this be the start of your naming journey, and do visit us again for more inspiration and guidance in naming your precious little one.

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.