50 English Baby Girl Names Starting With D: Delightful Discoveries Await

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Hey future mama, let’s dive into a world of ‘D’ names for your darling daughter! From classic to modern, our delightful list of 50 English baby girl names starting with D is designed to inspire and thrill you in equal measure.

Notable People With ‘D’ Names

From the glamorous world of Hollywood to the realm of literature, ‘D’ names have had their fair share of prominence. Think of Dakota Fanning, the acclaimed actress, or Doris Lessing, the Nobel Prize-winning writer. Or how about Diana, Princess of Wales – a name and a woman never to be forgotten. These inspiring ladies have brought luster to ‘D’ names, and your daughter could be next!

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
DaisyDaizey, Daysi“Day’s eye”
DanaDanna, Dayna“God is my judge”
DeniseDenisse, Denice“Follower of Dionysius”
DesireeDesirae, Desiray“Desired”
DelilahDelila, Delilia“Delicate, weak, languishing”
DaphneDafne, Daphney“Laurel tree”
DianaDianna, Diannah“Divine”
DanielleDaniele, Daniela“God is my judge”
DarleneDarleen, Darlena“Dear, loved one”
DorothyDorothea, Dorthy“Gift of God”
DebraDeborah, Debera“Bee”
DinaDeena, Dyna“Judged, vindicated”
DawnDawne, Donne“Awakening”
DarcyDarcie, Darcey“Dark one”
DoloresDelores, Doloris“Sorrows”
DonnaDona, Donah“Lady, noblewoman”
DestinyDestiney, Destini“Fate, destiny”
DemiDemie, Demy“Half, small”
DellaDela, Dellah“Noble”
DeidreDeirdre, Deedra“Broken-hearted, sorrowful”
Drew“Strong and manly”
DoreenDorene, Dorena“Gloomy”
DaraDarra, Darah“Pearl of wisdom”
DionneDeon, Deonne“Divine”
DarlaDarlah, Darlina“Dear, loved one”
DulceDulcie, Dulcea“Sweet”
DagnyDagne, Dagna“New day”
DorianDori, Doriana“Child of the sea”
DeeDea, Dei“Dark”
DafinaDafine, Dafne“Treasure”
DeannaDianna, Deena“Divine”
DottyDotti, Dottie“Gift of God”
DelaneyDelanie, Delainey“From the alder grove”
DeidraDeidrah, Deirdra“Wandering”
DashaDacia, Dashia“Gift of God”
DeltaDeltah, Deltia“Fourth letter of Greek alphabet”
DrucillaDrusilla, Druci“Strong”
DaniellaDaniela, Danila“God is my judge”
DianneDiane, Diann“Divine”
DelphineDelphin, Delphina“Dolphin”
DierdreDeirdre, Derdre“Sorrowful, Wanderer”
DashaDacia, Dasia“Gift of God”
DalilaDelila, Delilia“Gentle”
DillyDilli, Dillie“Beloved”
DimityDimitee, Dimite“Thin, fine twilled cloth”
DidoDeedo, Deda“Wanderer”
DavinaDevina, Davinah“Beloved”
DilysDylis, Dillis“Genuine, steadfast, true”
DorcasDorcass, Dorcys“Gazelle, doe”
DerynDerin, Deren“Bird”
DottieDotti, Dotie“Gift of God”

Wow, we’ve explored a decadent array of ‘D’ names today, haven’t we? Thank you for embarking on this naming adventure with us. We hope you’ve found a few that resonate with you and your growing family. Need more inspiration? There’s plenty more where that came from! Check out more baby name idea lists on our site and keep the naming journey going. Happy naming!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.