50 Celtic Baby Boy Names Starting with S for Your Little Warrior

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Enter a world of enchanting monikers with our list of 50 Celtic baby boy names starting with S. These names, steeped in rich history, are sure to make your little one’s name as unique and special as he is.

Notable People With Celtic Baby Boy Names Starting with S

One luminary who dons a Celtic S-name is Sean Connery, the legendary Scottish actor revered for his portrayal of James Bond. Another figure worth mentioning is Seamus Heaney, the renowned Irish poet, and Nobel laureate. Their accomplishments have certainly put Celtic S-names on the map!

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
SeanShaun, ShawnGod is gracious
SeamusShamus, ShaymusSupplanter
SethSet, SettAppointed
ShaunSean, ShawnGod is gracious
SheridanSheridon, SheridynWild one
SheaShae, ShayMajestic
ShamusSeamus, ShaymusSupplanter
SiorSeor, SeoirFarmer
ShaneShayne, ShaineGift from God
SholtoSholtoo, SholtowTeal duck
ShavonneSiobhan, ShivaunGod is gracious
SionnSean, ShawnFox
SearlasCharles, SharlesManly
SorleySorlee, SorleighSummer sailor
SullivanSullevan, SullyvanBlack-eyed one
StuartStewart, StuertSteward
SlaterSclater, SlayterMaker of slates
SterlingStirling, StarlingLittle star
SinnottSinnot, SinnettFox
SeigfriedSigfried, SiegfriedPeaceful victory
SeumusSeamus, ShamusSupplanter
SelwynSelvin, SelvynFriend in the castle
SeonaidSioned, ShonaGod is gracious
SeorasSiorus, SeorusFarmer
ShelaghSheila, ShelaBlind
SloanSloane, SloneRaider
SmithSmyth, SmytheTradesman
SheffieldSheffeld, SheffeldSheep’s field
SheffieldSheffeld, SheffeldSheep’s field
SweeneySweaney, SwaneySmall hero
SpenserSpencer, SpencarKeeper of provisions
StratfordStratferd, StratfurdFord on a Roman road
StanleyStanlee, StanlyClearing with stony field
StenStenn, StennsStone
StantonStaunton, StanntonStony town
StantonStaunton, StanntonStony town
SumnerSumnor, SumnarSummoner
StockleyStockly, StockleeTree stump meadow
SteadmanStedman, StadmanFarmstead man
SigourneySigourny, SigurneyBold king
SherwinSherwyn, SherwenSwift runner
SedgwickSedgewick, SedgewikSword place
SalfordSalfurd, SalfirdWillow ford
SeligSelik, SelickBlessed
ShiptonShypton, ShiptenSheep village
SydSid, SyddWide meadow
SutcliffeSuttcliffe, SuttcliffSouth cliff
SimSime, SymeListener
SpaldingSpaulding, SpaldinDivided field
SayersSayres, SairesWood-worker

Thank you for joining us in exploring these 50 Celtic baby boy names starting with S. We hope you’ve been inspired and perhaps even found the perfect name for your soon-to-arrive bundle of joy. For more naming ideas and guidance, remember to peruse the other lists on our site. Happy baby naming!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.