50 Biblical Baby Girl Names Beginning With S for the Modern Christian Family

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Choosing your baby girl’s name is a monumental task, isn’t it? But don’t fret, ’cause that’s what friends are for! We’ve meticulously put together 50 Biblical baby girl names beginning with S to help you find a name that’s a perfect blend of faith, tradition, and style.

Notable People With Biblical Baby Girl Names Beginning With S

Who says biblical names can’t be modern? Let’s look at a few notable figures who’ve rocked Biblical baby girl names beginning with S. First, we have Sarah Jessica Parker, a Golden Globe-winning actress admired for her role in ‘Sex and the City.’ Then there’s Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s first biological child, carrying a name that’s both biblical and unique.

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
SarahSara, Sarai“Princess”
ShilohShilo, Shylo“Peace”
SelahSaleh, Sela“Pause, reflection”
SusannaSusan, Susannah“Lily”
SalomeSalomé, Saloma“Peace”
SeraphinaSerafina, Seraphine“Fiery ones”
SapphiraSapphire, Safira“Beautiful”
SophiaSofia, Sophie“Wisdom”
SharonSharron, Shareen“A plain”
ShoshanaShoshanah, Shoshan“Rose”
SabraSabrah, Sabrah“Thorny cactus”
SimeonSimona, Simone“Hear, listen”
SabaSabha, Sabah“Morning”
SarinaSarinah, Sarine“Joy”
SamaraSamarah, Samira“Guarded by God”
SyntycheSyntiche, Syntycee“Fate”
ShalomShalome, Shaloma“Peace”
ShiraSheera, Shirah“Song”
ShaniShanee, Shanie“Crimson”
SachielSachiele, Sachyel“Covering of God”
SadieSadee, Sady“Princess”
SeraiahSeriah, Sarya“Prince of the Lord”
SeirahSira, Siera“Goat”
SemadarSemadar, Samedar“Blossom”
SelimaSalima, Selimah“Peace”
ShebaShebah, Shebah“Oath”
SalinaSelina, Salena“Moon”
SamuelaSamuella, Samuele“God has heard”
SerahSera, Serah“Princess”
SharifaSherifa, Shareefa“Noble”
SheniraSheneira, Sheniera“God is my candle”
ShamiraShmira, Shamirah“Guardian, protector”
ShekinahShekina, Shechanah“God’s presence”
SivanSivanne, Sivana“Springtime”
ShalvaShalvah, Shalvah“Tranquility”
ShifraShiphrah, Shifrah“Beautiful”
SabaeanSabaeana, Sabaeanah“People of Sheba”
ShulamitShulamite, Shulamith“Peaceful”
ShuniShunie, Shunee“Quiet, at rest”
SimchaSimche, Simcha“Joy”
ShemariahShemaria, Shemaryah“Guarded by God”
ShulammiteShulamith, Shulamita“Perfect”
SheerahSherah, Sheera“Kinswoman”
ShemuelaShemuelah, Shemuelah“God has heard”
ShulamithShulamite, Shulamit“Peace”
ScevaScevah, Skeva“Left-handed”
SiloamShiloah, Siloa“Sent”
SyntycheSyntiche, Syntycee“An accident”
SodiSodie, Sody“My secret”
SorSore, Soar“Their secret”

And there you have it, 50 Biblical baby girl names beginning with S, each filled with its own unique charm and profound meaning. We hope this list has sparked some inspiration and perhaps even cemented your choice. Because finding that perfect name for your little one is indeed a special journey. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of it. Ready for more? Head over to our site for a myriad of baby name ideas that are waiting to be discovered. Happy naming!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.