50 Asian Baby Girl Names Starting with J: Unveiling Unique Names

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Choosing your little one’s name is like embarking on an exciting treasure hunt. And if you’re currently on the lookout for an Asian baby girl name that starts with J, you’re in for a delightful journey!

Notable People With Asian Baby Girl Names Starting with J

You might recognize a few familiar faces in our list, such as award-winning actress Junko Takeuchi, the voice behind the beloved character Naruto Uzumaki. Or perhaps you’ve admired the stunning fashion of Jeon Ji-Hyun, the South Korean actress who dazzled us in “My Love from the Star”. Drawing inspiration from these influential women might just lead you to your baby’s name!

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
Ji-YooJiyoo, JiyuWisdom and beauty
Ji-AJia, JeaWisdom and Love
Ji-WooJiwoo, JiwuWisdom and Eternity
Ji-YeonJiyeon, JiyonWisdom and Kindness
JingJying, Jyng, JyinQuiet, Still
Ji-SooJisoo, JisuWisdom and Brilliance
Ji-HyeJihye, JihyeWisdom and joy
Jae-HwaJaehwaRespect and Beauty
Jia-LiJiali, JialiBeautiful and Strong
Ji-EunJieun, JiunWisdom and Kindness
Ji-MinJimin, JiminWisdom and People
JoyJoi, JoiHappiness, Pleasure
Ji-YoungJiyoung, JiyoungWisdom and Forever
Ji-YunJiyun, JiyunWisdom and Allow
JinJinGold, Metal, Money
Jee-InJeein, JeinWisdom and Human
Ji-YeJiye, JuyeWisdom and Art
Ji-HyunJihyun, JihunWisdom and Virtuous
Jae-HeeJaehee, JaehiRespect and Joy
Joo-WonJoowon, JuwonLike a god
Ji-SunJisun, JisunWisdom and Goodness
Ji-WonJiwon, JiwenWisdom and Victory
Ji-HaeJihue, JihaiWisdom and Ocean
Ji-NaJina, JinaWisdom and Beauty
Ji-YooJiyo, JiyuWisdom and Excellent
Ji-YanJiyan, JeyanWisdom and Swallow
Ji-MiJimi, JimiWisdom and Beauty
Ji-HooJihu, JihuWisdom and Heaven
Ji-SungJisung, JisungWisdom and Star
Jae-InJaein, JaenRespect and Humanity
Ji-HoonJihoon, JihoonWisdom and Heaven
Ji-YeongJiyeong, JiyeongWisdom and Flower
Ji-YoJiyo, JiyeoWisdom and Sun
Ji-HwanJihwan, JihuanWisdom and Shining
Ji-RyeJirye, JiryeWisdom and Advantage
Ji-MyungJimyung, JimyungWisdom and Bright
Ju-HuiJuhui, JuhuiLike a chrysanthemum
Ji-UJiu, JiuWisdom and Rain
Ji-RooJiroo, JiruWisdom and Origin
Ji-HoJiho, JihoWisdom and Good
Ji-HyunJihyun, JihyunWisdom and Bright
Ji-BinJibin, JibinWisdom and Rooted
Ji-SangJisang, JisangWisdom and Forever
Ji-SeokJiseok, JiseokWisdom and Stone
Ji-WookJiwook, JiwookWisdom and Morning
Ji-YeonJiyeon, JiyeonWisdom and Connection
Ji-SooJisoo, JisooWisdom and Comfort
Ji-YooJiyoo, JiyooWisdom and Precious
Ji-AeJiae, JiaeWisdom and Love
Ji-WooJiwoo, JiwooWisdom and Universe

Thank you for diving into this treasure trove of names with us. We hope our list of 50 Asian Baby Girl Names Starting with J inspired you, and we encourage you to explore other name lists on our site. Remember, the joy is in the journey, and we’re here to guide you every step of the way. Happy name hunting!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.