50 Arabic Baby Girl Names Starting with P: Inspiring Picks

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Hey future mommies! If you’re on the special journey of naming your little girl, we’ve got something truly unique for you. Our curated list of ’50 Arabic Baby Girl Names Starting with P’ is filled with beautiful, significant, and absolutely charming names just waiting to be discovered.

Notable People With Arabic Baby Girl Names Starting With P

Let me tell you about some fabulous women with Arabic P-names. Have you heard of Parisa Tabriz? She’s an Iranian-American computer security expert working for Google. Or what about Pakiza Hashmi, the renowned Afghan actress? And let’s not forget Padina Pavonica, a skincare line named after an Arabic seaweed! Who knows, your little one might just join this hall of fame!

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
1. ParisaParisah, ParizaFairy-like
2. ParvanehParvaneButterfly
3. ParandParandehSilken
4. PayamPayaamMessage
5. PardisPardesParadise
6. PariaPariyaFairy
7. ParveenParvin, ParweenPleiades
8. PeriPerry, PariFairy
9. PakeezahPakeeza, PakizaPure
10. ParandisParandeeseSilk
11. PadidehPadidahPhenomenon
12. ParandSilk
13. PanbehCotton
14. ParigolFlower Fairy
15. PayvandUnity
16. PanizPaneezSweet
17. ParizadPerizadFairy-born
18. PakhsaTwelfth Day
19. PartoPartowRay of Light
20. ParvaSmall
21. ParvazFlight
22. ParirokhFace of a Fairy
23. PaymanehPromise
24. ParsaPure, Chaste
25. PanizSugar
26. PadmaLotus
27. PareechehrFace Like a Fairy
28. ParichehrHaving a Face Like a Fairy
29. PalizFire
30. ParastoBird
31. PantheaAll God
32. PoupakPoupehA Kind of Bird
33. PouranPourandokhtName of a Persian Princess
34. ParvinaPleiades
35. PoupakA Kind of Bird
36. PasandLiked
37. PardisaFairy of a Garden
38. ParveenaCluster of Small Stars
39. ParvinThe Pleiades
40. ParizadChild of a Fairy
41. PareesaPareesaLike a Fairy
42. ParastarBird
43. PartowRay of Light
44. ParkhidehRoyal Silk
45. ParnianSilk Cloth
46. ParmidaPrincess
47. ParichehrHaving the Face of an Angel
48. PariwishFairy-Face
49. PasangTibetan: Friday
50. ParandSilk

Wow, what a journey, right? We hope our list of ’50 Arabic Baby Girl Names Starting with P’ has filled your imagination with beautiful, meaningful names to consider for your princess. Remember, every name carries a special resonance that shapes your baby’s identity. Hungry for more? Dive into our vast collection of baby name ideas on our site. Keep exploring, future mamas!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.