36 Arabic Baby Boy Names Starting with C to Cherish Forever

Naming your tiny tot is one of the most exciting parts of the journey to motherhood. Our list of 36 Arabic baby boy names starting with C is here to inspire you and help you find that perfect, meaningful name your heart is looking for.

Notable People With Arabic Baby Boy Names Starting with C

Several influential individuals bear Arabic names starting with C. For instance, the world-renowned physicist, Chamseddine Bouroubi, and the famous novelist, Chaker Khazaal, have always been trailblazers in their respective fields. These names not only carry a rich cultural heritage but also the power to inspire.

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
1. CadarKadar, QadarDestiny, Luck
2. CahilKahil, GahilYoung, Inexperienced
3. CalidKhalid, KalidEternal, Immortal
4. CamalJamal, GamalBeauty
5. CananGanen, KanonBeloved
6. CapaKapa, GapaPortion, Part
7. CarimKarim, GharimGenerous, Noble
8. CasimKasim, QasimOne who distributes
9. CelalGelal, KelalGrandeur, Dignity
10. CemalKemal, GemalPerfection, Beauty
11. CerirKerir, GerirResistant, Hard
12. ChapurKhapur, GapurHandsome, Elegant
13. CharifSharif, KharifNoble, Honorable
14. ChawkiShawqi, KhawkiInterested, Desirous
15. ChehabShehab, KhehabShooting Star
16. CihadJihad, GihadStruggle, Effort
17. CihanJihan, GihanUniverse, World
18. CinarJinar, GinarSycamore Tree
19. CirrusKirrus, GirrusLight, Brightness
20. CivanJivan, GivanLife, Living
21. CorcKork, GorkBrave, Strong
22. CoskunKoskun, GoskunEnthusiastic, Excited
23. CumaKuma, GumaFriday
24. CumaliKomali, GomaliGentle, Mild
25. CunhaoKunhao, GunhaoPrince, Nobleman
26. CüneytKoneyt, GoneytLittle Soldier
27. CezayirKezayir, GezayirAlgeria
28. CemKem, GemRuler, Leader
29. CevherKevher, GevherGem, Jewel
30. CevdetKevdet, GevdetA rank in Ottoman Empire
31. CedidKedid, GedidNew
32. CümeKume, GumeGathering
33. CigerKiger, GigerLiver (Arabic Slang for sweetheart)
34. CelpKelp, GelpAction
35. CivelekKivelek, GivelekYoung gazelle
36. CeylanKeylan, GeylanA type of deer

Thank you for joining us on this beautiful journey through 36 Arabic baby boy names starting with C. Choosing a name for your little one is a significant moment, and we’re thrilled to be part of it. We invite you to continue your adventure with us by exploring more of our baby name idea lists on our site. Here’s to finding that perfect name that resonates deeply with you and your future superstar!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.