50 American Baby Girl Names Starting With O: Inspire Your Baby Name Search

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Welcome, momma-to-be! If you’re on the hunt for a unique name that starts with ‘O’ for your little princess, we’ve curated a delightful list of 50 American baby girl names to inspire your journey. Get ready to unearth some gems!

Notable People With American Baby Girl Names Starting With O

Olivia, Octavia, and Ophelia might sound familiar to you – and not just for their popularity in baby name charts! Think of powerhouse actress Olivia Wilde, groundbreaking novelist Octavia Butler, or Shakespeare’s iconic character Ophelia. These women showcase the grace and strength carried by ‘O’ names.

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
1. OliviaAlivia, Olive, OlivaOlive Tree
2. OpalOpel, OpallJewel
3. OdessaOdissa, OdesaLong Journey
4. OctaviaOctavie, OctavianaEighth
5. OraOrah, Orra, OrellaLight, Gold
6. OrianaOrriana, OriannaSunrise
7. OpheliaOphelie, OphelyaHelper
8. OksanaOxana, OksannaPraise be to God
9. OlympiaOlympie, OlimpiaFrom Olympus
10. OdetteOdetta, OdeteWealthy
11. OdeliaOdilia, OdeleI will praise the Lord
12. OrabelleOrabela, OrabellaBeautiful seacoast
13. OceanaOceane, OceanOcean
14. OnaOnah, OneGrace
15. OonaOonagh, UnaLamb
16. OmegaOmegia, OmekaThe end
17. OrlaOrli, OrlaghGolden Princess
18. OzellaOzelle, OzelaGod’s strength
19. OttilieOttoline, OttillieProsperous in battle
20. OrellaOrela, OreliaAnnouncement from the gods
21. OrindaOrinna, OrinPine Trees
22. OsannaOsana, OssanaPraise
23. OlindaOlina, OlineProtector
24. OtaviaOttavia, OtavianaEighth
25. OdeleOdelette, OdelaSong
26. OdinaOdinah, OdeenaMountain
27. OlexaOlexia, OlexeDefender
28. OlgaOlgah, OliaHoly
29. OlianaOlien, OlyanaOleander tree
30. OneidaOnieda, OnydaPeople of the stone
31. OrphaOrpah, OrfaGazelle
32. OliveOliva, OllieOlive Tree
33. OnyxOnyxx, OnixBlack Gemstone
34. OletaOletta, OletiaWinged
35. OrioleOrrie, OrrialBird
36. OrsaOrsah, OrzaBear
37. OrlenaOrlina, OrlindaGold, Golden
38. OviaOviah, OviyaEgg
39. OtisOtyss, OtysWealthy
40. OdineOdyne, OdeenSea
41. OlmaOlmah, OlimaElm Tree
42. OrsolaOrsolina, OrsolaLittle Female Bear
43. OritOrith, OreetLight
44. OyaOyana, OyahWind Goddess
45. OuidaOuda, OuidaFamous battle
46. OrlieOrlia, OrlieghGolden
47. OraleeOrali, OraleaMy light
48. OleanaOliana, OleaneOleander
49. OlenaOlenka, OlenaTorch, Bright
50. OdaOdah, OdessaPraise God

And there you have it, lovely moms-to-be! We hope you enjoyed journeying through our list of 50 American baby girl names starting with ‘O’. Naming your baby is an exciting part of your journey into motherhood, and we’re thrilled to be part of it. So keep that spark of inspiration ignited and feel free to browse through more of our baby name lists on our site. Happy naming!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.