50 American Baby Boy Names Beginning With V for Superstars

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Choosing the perfect name for your little fella is an exciting journey. If you’re drawn to names beginning with the letter ‘V’, our list of 50 American baby boy names is just what you need!

Notable People with ‘V’ Names

Names starting with V have graced many famous personalities. Renowned actor ‘Vincent D’Onofrio’ and popular former baseball player ‘Vince Coleman’ are simply two among multitudes. Not forgetting the brilliant novelist ‘Voltaire’ who has left an indelible mark on literature.

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
1. VinceVincent, Vinny, VinnieConqueror
2. VictorVic, Vicky, ViktorWinner, Conqueror
3. VernonVerne, VernPlace of Alder Trees
4. VitoVittorio, Vittore, VitusLife Giving
5. VanceVan, Vans, VancesThresher
6. ValentinoVal, Valen, TinoHealth or Love
7. VanVance, Vans, VanyFrom the Family of..
8. VincenzoEnzo, Vincenz, VincentConqueror
9. ValValen, Valentino, ValoStrong and Healthy
10. VadenVadin, Vayden, VadenLittle Green Hill
11. VailVale, Vaile, VaillValley
12. ValerianVal, Valerio, ValerStrength
13. VarickVarrick, Varik, VerrickProtecting Ruler
14. VaughnVon, Vaugh, VohnSmall
15. VegaVeg, Vegah, VegalFalling Star
16. VerdiVerdie, Verd, VerdeeGreen
17. VerlynVerlin, Verlon, VirlinTruth
18. VesperVespar, Vesp, VespyEvening Star
19. VesterVesty, Vest, VesterlyFrom the West
20. VianViany, Viani, VienFull of Life
21. VidelVidell, Vid, VidoLife
22. ViggoVigo, Vig, ViggWar
23. VilmosVil, Vilmo, VylmosWill to Protect
24. VirgilVergil, Virge, VirgilioStaff Bearer
25. VishnuVishu, Vish, VeshnuPreserver
26. VitalisVitaly, Vitalie, VityaLife
27. VivekViveke, Viv, VeevekWisdom
28. VladVladislav, Vladimir, VladiRule
29. VoittoVoito, Voitt, VoituVictory
30. VossVos, Vosse, VozzFox
31. VoxVok, Voxe, VoksVoice
32. VraiVray, Vraie, VraeyTrue
33. VulcanVulcanus, Vulc, VolcanGod of Fire
34. VyanVyanne, Vyann, VyenWind
35. VyrleVyrl, Vyrlee, VyrleyManly
36. VyroVyroe, Vyrow, VyruHero
37. VyseVys, Vyce, VyzeViscount
38. VytasVytautas, Vyt, VytoChaser
39. ValdemarValdi, Valdy, ValderFamous Ruler
40. VasiliVasilis, Vasil, VasileRoyal
41. VernerVern, Verne, VurnerDefending Army
42. VachelVachell, Vach, VachelleSmall Cow
43. VaclavWenceslaus, Venceslao, WenceslaoMore Glory
44. VentonVent, Vento, VentiFair Town
45. VerrellVerrel, Verrill, VerellTruthful
46. VireoVireio, Viree, VireaGreen Bird
47. VolneyVolnie, Vollney, VolneePeople’s Spirit
48. VollisVolis, Vollie, VollesFull of Life
49. VortexVorteks, Vortix, VortekWhirling
50. VosslerVoss, VosslerFox Maker
Thanks for checking out our list of 50 American baby boy names beginning with V. We hope it’s sparked your inspiration and taken you a step closer to discovering that perfect name. Remember, the joy of naming is in the journey, so enjoy each moment! For more baby name ideas and inspiration, be sure to explore our additional lists on our site. Happy Naming!

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Stephanie Bontorin

Stephanie is a writer, editor, and researcher living in Vancouver, British Columbia. She enjoys hiking in the wilderness with her dog and taking care of her cousins' many young kids during a common family gathering.