50 African Baby Boy Names Starting With Y: Discovering Vibrant Choices

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Choosing your baby’s name is a thrilling journey steeped in love and anticipation. This list of 50 African baby boy names starting with Y will provide a unique blend of resonance and heritage for your little one.

Notable People With African Baby Boy Names Starting With Y

Celebrities like Yaya DaCosta, Yemi Alade, and Yusef Shakur carry African names starting with Y that have become part of conversations worldwide. These influential figures not only command respect in their respective fields but also reflect the vibrancy and depth of African culture through their names.

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
YafeuYafew, YafieuBold
YagoYagoe, YagowBright, Shining
YahyaYachya, YahiyaGod is Gracious
YamatoYamatto, YamatHarmony
YanickYannick, YanikGod is Gracious
YannYanne, YannickGod is merciful
YasirYassir, YaseerWealthy
YazidYazide, YazeedAlways increasing
YehudiYehudy, YehudeePraised
YeredYeredd, YeredeDescent
YesutoYesutu, YesuteProtector of all
YigalYigel, YigalRedeemed by God
YiorvisYiorviss, YiorvesFarmer
YonahYonan, YonahhDove
YonasYonahs, YonassDove
YonatanYonatanh, YonatnGod has Given
YoninaYoninah, YoninnaLittle Dove
YovannyYovany, YovanniGod’s Gift
YubyYubie, YubyeJewel
YudaleYudael, YudaylPraiseworthy
YusefYusuf, YuseffGod will increase
YushuaYushuah, YushuhaGod is salvation
YuvalUval, YuvalleStream
YvanYvann, YvanneGod is Gracious
YvonYvonn, YvoneYew, Archer
YaelYaele, YaelleMountain Goat
YakimYakimm, YaakimEstablished by God
YakiraYakkira, YaqiraPrecious
YakobYaacob, YacobbSupplanter
YakoriYakorie, YakoryValuable
YakovYaacov, YakavSupplanter
YaleYaale, YaelleHeights
YaminYaminn, YamineRight, Proper
YamoYammo, YaamoOcean
YanaiYannai, YanaieHe will answer
YanamYanamm, YanammeTribe
YaphetYafet, YaphettBeautiful
YaqeenYaquin, YaqinCertainty
YaqubYacob, YaquobSupplanter
YarivYarriv, YariveHe will quarrel
YaronYarron, YaroneTo Sing, To Shout
YasenYassen, YaseenAsh Tree
YasharYasher, YasharrUpright
YashuaYashuah, YashuhaGod is salvation
YasinYasinn, YasinneProphet
YaskoYaskko, YaskoePeace
YasoobYasub, YasubbLeader
YawYawe, YawwBorn on Thursday
YazeedYazid, YazeedeIncrease, Growth

Thanks for diving into our special collection of 50 African Baby Boy Names Starting With Y. Naming your baby carries a beautiful gravity—and we’re thrilled you allowed us to be a part of this significant moment. Explore more of our diverse and inclusive baby name lists to find the perfect fit for your little one.

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.