50 Afghan Baby Boy Names Starting With E: Discover Uncommon Gems

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Choosing a name for your little one is like unlocking the first page of their life’s story. With our list of 50 Afghan Baby Boy Names Starting With E, you’re sure to find a name that is as unique and charming as your upcoming bundle of joy.

Notable People With Afghan Baby Boy Names Starting With E

From esteemed scholars to renowned athletes, several influential figures carry Afghan baby boy names starting with ‘E’. Elham Ehsas, for instance, is a celebrated actor known for his profound performances in worldwide cinematic productions. Emal Zaki, another prominent figure, is a highly-regarded Afghan cinematographer, casting a new light on Afghan culture through his lens.

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
EmranEmraan, ImranProsperity
EhsanEhsaan, IhsanCompassionate
ElyasElias, EliyasThe Lord is my God
EshanEshaan, IshanSun
EbazEbazz, Abazprosperity
EmanEmaan, ImanFaith
EidalEidall, IdalFestive
ElhaamElham, IlhamInspiration
EyadEyadd, IyadSupport, Strength
EmadEmad, ImadPillar, Support
EnaanEnan, InanSworn, Promised
EftikharIftikharPride, Glory
ErfanEirfan, IrfanKnowledge, Learning
EtimadItimadFaith, Trust
ElafElaafSafety, Security
EkbalIqbalProsperity, Success
EshaghIshaqHe Laughs
EnayatEnayath, InayatGrace, Kindness
EmruzEmrooz, ImrozToday
EzzatEzzath, IzzatHonor, Respect
EdrisIdrees, IdrisStudious
EmtiyazImtiyazTo Differentiate
EzhanEzhaan, IzhanSelf Respect
ElyaanEliyan, IlyanHigh Status
EdalatEdalath, IdalatJustice
EzzazIzzazFirm, Strong
EnasEnass, InasFriendliness
EmranEmraan, ImranProsperity
EnaanEnan, InanSworn, Promised
EbadIbadServants of God
EhrarIhrarFree, Independent
EzzIzzGlory, Honor
EhanEhaan, IhanFull Moon
ErumEroom, IrumHeaven
EshanEshaan, IshanBright, Sun
EtharEthaar, ItharGenerous
EmadEmaad, ImadSupport, Pillar
EsalEsaal, IsalTo Smooth
ElafElaaf, IlaafFriendliness
EjazEjazz, IjazMiracle
EzzudinIzzuddinGlory of the Religion

Thank you for exploring our list of 50 Afghan Baby Boy Names Starting With E. We hope these names have sparked your inspiration, offering a blend of tradition and distinctiveness. Continue your name-choosing journey with our other curated lists of baby name ideas awaiting for you on our site. Happy naming!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.