50 English Baby Girl Names Starting with U: Unleash the Possibilities

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Choosing a name for your precious little girl is no easy task. As moms-to-be, we want something unique, meaningful, and beautiful. Our list of “50 English Baby Girl Names Starting with U” offers an array of charming, unheard-of choices sure to strike a chord!

Notable People With English Baby Girl Names Starting with U

From the world of arts to science, several influential women bear English baby girl names starting with U. Consider Uma Thurman, the American actress known for her roles in Pulp Fiction and Kill Bill, or Ursula K. Le Guin, the renowned author of speculative fiction. These amazing women highlight the impact and individuality of names starting with U.

NameCommon VariationsMeaning
1. UnaUuna, Unah“One” or “Unity”
2. UnityUnita, Unitee“Unity”
3. UrsulaUrsa, Ursuline“Little Bear”
4. UlaUlah, Ulah“Jewel of the Sea” or “Wealthy”
5. UshaUshah, Ushia“Dawn”
6. UlaniUlanie, Ulanee“Cheerful”
7. UraniaUranya, Uraña“Heavenly”
8. UrszulaUla, Urszulka“Little Female Bear”
9. UlrikaUlrica, Ullrica“Wealthy, Powerful Ruler”
10. UmekoUmika, Umeeko“Plum Child”
11. UmiUmie, Umee“Life”
12. UrielaUriella, Uraela“God is My Light”
13. UlyssaUlysah, Ulysa“Walker”
14. UnikaUnicka, Uneeka“Unique”
15. UzmaUzuma, Uzmah“The Greatest”
16. UrbanaUrbanna, Urbannah“From the City”
17. UfaUfah, Uffa“Beauty”
18. UlyanaUliana, Ulyanna“Youthful”
19. UdeleUdelle, Udale“Wealthy”
20. UniaUniah, Unya“Unity”
21. UrsaUrssa, Ursah“Little Bear”
22. UmayUmaya, Umai“Hope”
23. UmiyaUmiyah, Umeya“Goddess of Fertility”
24. UrselineUrselyn, Urselyne“Little Female Bear”
25. UritUritt, Urette“Light”
26. UshraUshrah, Ushara“Dawn”
27. UtaUtaa, Ute“Wealthy”
28. UriUry, Urie“My Flame, My Light”
29. UshaUshah, Ushia“Dawn”
30. UlimaUlime, Ulema“Wise”
31. UranieUrania, Urranie“Heavenly”
32. UzuriUzuree, Uzorie“Beautiful”
33. UphazUphaaz, Ufaz“Pure Gold”
34. UtopiaUtopiah, Utopea“Perfect Place”
35. UzielUzeil, Uziel“God is My Strength”
36. UmmiUmmie, Ummy“My Mother”
37. UlaUlah, Ulah“Wealthy”
38. UmikaUmikah, Umeeka“God’s Child”
39. UxieUxey, Uxee“Bringer of Good Luck”
40. UzmaUzuma, Uzmah“Greatest”
41. UmayUmaya, Umai“Hope”
42. UltimaUltimah, Ultyma“Final One”
43. UlvaUlvah, Ulvha“Wolf”
44. UmbriaUmbriah, Umbrea“Shadow”
45. UleniUlenie, Uleenie“Light”
46. UdeleUdelle, Udale“Wealthy”
47. UmayraUmayrah, Umayre“Glowing Moon”
48. UrsaUrssa, Ursah“Little Bear”
49. UshnaUshnah, Ushana“Sunlight”
50. UbaUbah, Ubaa“Flower”

We hope you enjoyed and found inspiration from our carefully curated list of “50 English Baby Girl Names Starting with U”. Thank you for reading! We invite you to continue this exciting journey of discovering unique baby names by exploring more of our lists on our website. Remember, the perfect name for your baby girl is out there, waiting to be found!

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Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey Mlnarik

Kelsey is a writer, teacher, and mom of two living in southern Virginia. She enjoys adventuring with her family and always has at least one table covered in messy craft supplies.