Do Strollers Have Expiration Dates? Things You Should Know

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With all the recalls and safety reminders involving car seats and baby carriers, it only makes sense to have similar concerns when it comes to your baby stroller. If you’re worried about the longevity of your stroller, you can rest assured that strollers do not have an expiration date like car seats! Even if your car seat isn’t manufactured anymore or is a few years old, it doesn’t matter.

With all the pressure to have the most up-to-date technology as new products are released, you should not feel bad for using a stroller with a little wear.

In fact, purchasing a stroller second-hand is always a great and affordable option! If you have a stroller from a previous child, you shouldn’t be afraid to use it again!

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Should I Replace My Stroller?

If your stroller has been hanging around for a while, you can check for an expiration date. Most experts agree that strollers usually last for about 5 years before they need to be replaced, so it’s good to always be aware of its condition.

If you’re looking to replace your stroller, take a look at a few options and important things to keep in mind.

Different Kinds Of Strollers 

Different strollers outside

Strollers vary in size, shape, color, and features. It can easily become very overwhelming for parents to choose the best option for their needs. If you’re looking for a full-sized stroller with an umbrella or lightweight stroller meant for exercising, there’s a stroller for you.

The function is an important factor in choosing a new stroller, but you should also consider its place in your home. For example, a full-sized stroller will take up more room in your house but will be a good option for going on a long easy walk with your baby or taking a more adventurous walk down a rough trail or sandy beach with hidden sharp objects.

An umbrella stroller that’s lightweight is the perfect option if you’re looking for a more compact stroller that is easy to store without losing functionality or slowing you down!

Advantages Of Strollers

While you’re doing all this research, you may question if you really need a baby stroller. Owning a stroller benefits both you and your baby.

  • Parents can include their children in activities while keeping stress levels low for everyone.
  • Strollers have storage for everyone’s things, which keeps your hands free!
  • Strollers allow you to bring your baby with you without feeling like you have to attend to them constantly.

Using a stroller keeps both you and your baby happy while allowing you to do the things you want.

  • Bringing your baby or child along for the ride and letting them bring their favorite toy is a great way to encourage excitement towards exercise.
  • Strollers keep your little one comfy while protecting them from harmful UV rays and other elements.

Tips for Buying a Used Stroller

There are many places to find a stroller, and if you’re looking for a used stroller, shopping local is a great place to start! You can avoid shipping costs, and you can often arrange pickup with the seller in a public space.

  • Facebook is a great way to find local sellers because you can actually see who they are and familiarize yourself with them.
  • Product research is an important aspect when buying a new or used stroller. You can read about reviews, product recalls, and safety concerns to get an idea of each stroller will hold up over time.
  • Test drive the stroller before purchasing because dishonest sellers will gloss over details like a loose tire or stains that are easy to miss without closely examining the stroller for yourself.

What to check for:

  • Wheels that don’t wobble and keep their pressure (if they’re true tires).
  • Functioning brakes and wheel locks
  • Stains or dirt on the fabric
  • Firmly attached safety straps and properly functioning snaps or fastens
  • If you’re using a stroller, make sure your car seat will fit


If you’re worried about strollers expiring, you’ll be relieved to learn that a stroller expiration date is not as urgent as a car seat expiration date.

When choosing the right stroller, you have the option to purchase a new or used one. While it’s nice to know that you’re stroller is brand new, sometimes it’s better for you and your wallet to purchase a used stroller.

No matter which option you choose, you’re making a purchase that will benefit both you and your baby!

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Sara Taylor

Sara Taylor

Sara is a freelance writer from the Midwest. As a mom of 3 boys, she knows how much abuse a stroller can take.