Can Baby Carriers Cause Hip Dysplasia?

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There is a lot of debate surrounding the use of baby carriers and whether or not they can cause hip dysplasia. Some experts believe that using a baby carrier can help to improve the development of your baby’s hips, while others think that it could lead to problems down the road. So, what’s the truth?

Unfortunately, there is no definitive answer when it comes to baby carriers and hip dysplasia. Some babies who are carried in a carrier regularly will develop hip dysplasia, while others will not. There are many different factors that can play into this, such as the type of carrier you use, how often you carry your baby, and your baby’s individual anatomy.

Can baby carriers cause hip dysplasia

Table of Contents

How To Reduce The Risk Of Your Baby Developing Hip Dysplasia While In A Carrier

If you enjoy using a baby carrier, there are a few things you can do to help reduce the risk of your baby developing hip dysplasia! See below for some tips and tricks:  

  • Use a carrier that is properly fitted to your baby. It should be snug enough that your baby can’t wiggle out of it, but not so tight that it is uncomfortable. 
  • Remember to switch up your carrying positions often. This will help to keep the muscles and joints in your baby’s hips flexible. 
  • Use a carrier that is designed for carrying babies, such as a soft structured carrier, wrap, or sling.
  • Make sure the carrier fits well and is comfortable for you to wear.
  • Check the position of your baby in the carrier regularly to make sure they are not in a slumped or twisted position.
  • Support your baby’s head and neck when you are carrying them.
  • Avoid carrying your baby for long periods of time in a carrier.
  • Seek advice from a health professional if you are concerned about your baby’s development.

In general, when an infant is facing their parent they can use the muscles in their thighs and hips for grasping. This helps stimulate healthy hip development from normal muscle action as well. But what about when babies are put in an inward-facing carrier? Well, luckily there’s a more appropriate position that will let these little ones wrap up tight so you don’t have any accidents on your clothes, furniture, or both!

The inward-facing carrier is a great way for new parents to keep their babies close while they’re out and about. It’s also recommended that you use an inward-facing carrier during the baby’s first few months, so do plenty of research before deciding which carrier will suit both yourself as well as your precious little bundle.

Benefits Of Inward-Facing Carriers

Infants have a natural instinct to grasp something with their hands when they wake up from sleep. This is why many parents find that putting their baby in an outward-facing position can be stressful and uncomfortable because it puts pressure on the arms, which are not designed for this type of movement yet.

When your baby is facing inward towards your torso while sleeping or just generally resting at home, your infant will wrap their legs around yours using the thigh muscle they have better control over their hip development.

In addition, the inward-facing position lightens the load for you by keeping the baby’s weight closer to the body. This is especially beneficial during the early months when carrying your baby is a common practice. 

For these reasons, it is often recommended to have your newborn in an inward-facing carrier during the first few months of life. There are many different inward-facing carriers on the market, so be sure to do your research and find one that is comfortable for both you and your baby.

Are There Any Other Advantages to Baby Carriers?

There are numerous benefits to baby carriers, which include close physical contact that helps your baby’s temperature or rate of respiration remain steady.

In addition, baby carriers help premature babies stay stable by helping reduce heart and breathing rates. Now we’ve got proof from research studies showing carriers can even improve your child’s sleep patterns.

An extensive study in 2015 showed how parents sleep longer when their babies are in baby carriers compared to other parents. This is because you are nearby to comfort your baby if need be (and vice versa). In addition, your little one gains more weight during hospitalizations, which means less stress about being fed via tube/caregiver feeding schedule.

Baby carriers have been linked to enhanced confidence as new parents become more attuned with their babies. It also allows exhausted or busy people the freedom that comes from being hands-free. Anyone who’s had a newborn can attest to how wonderful this small gift is!

How Long Can A Baby Be Carried In A Carrier?

How long your baby can be carried in a baby carrier depends on your baby’s weight, age, and the type of carrier being used. However, most experts agree that babies can be carried in a carrier until they are around 12 months old or weigh at least 20 pounds. After this point, the baby may become too heavy for the carrier to support and could potentially fall out. It’s important to keep an eye on your baby’s weight and stop using your carrier if necessary.

Using a baby carrier has the advantage of not having an artificial time limit. You can wear your baby in a baby carrier for a long period of time, which is usually around 3 hours until your baby’s diaper needs changing or its feeding time.

Supportive positions for your baby are those that support their natural anatomy and how they’d be held by you anyways. In this position, with your baby’s spine curved naturally and knees higher than the bum, allows your baby to be comfortably supported while on the go.


The decision of whether or not to use a baby carrier is up to you and your baby’s doctor. If you are concerned about the possibility of hip dysplasia, talk to your doctor about the different options available to you. They can help you decide which carrier is best for your baby and whether or not it is safe for them to use.

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Sara Taylor

Sara Taylor

Sara is a freelance writer from the Midwest. As a mom of 3 boys, she knows how much abuse a stroller can take.